Sunday, December 28, 2008

First Real Digi Layout

I just completed my first real digital layout.  I have done a few practice runs before and have done some work in photoshop for invitations, etc., but this is my first full layout that I feel like I could print out and put in my scrapbook.

These are the photos that I worked on editing last night from Christmas Day.  The layout uses a free digi kit from Two Peas called Be Merry by Cherie Mask.  They are left and right pages to a 2 pg. layout, but I can't figure out how to put them next to each other here.

Digital Workflow

Last night I finally developed a digital workflow that seems to work for me.  I have been shooting in RAW + JPEG since I got my dSLR in Dec of last year and really wasn't making the best use of my RAW photos and hadn't learned how to use ACR (Adobe Camera RAW plug-in for Photoshop) or how to configure iPhoto to open a RAW file directly in ACR for editing.

It took me a lot of playing around to do this, including searches on two message boards (Two Peas in a Bucket and The Photo Forum) and some reading in Photoshop CS3 for Dummies by Peter Bauer so I will share what I figured out here in case it helps anyone else.

To configure iPhoto to open a RAW file directly in ACR for editing: 
  1. Click iPhoto, preferences from the top menu bar
  2. In the General tab, select "in Adobe Photoshop CS3..." from Edit Photo drop down box
  3. In the Advanced tab, click the check box for "Use RAW when using external editor"
Since I already have it set in the general tab that to double-click a photo magnifies the photo and doesn't edit it, I just highlight the RAW file I want to edit in iPhoto and hit enter.  Now, it opens automatically in ACR.

  1. Plug in camera (still need to get card reader), download photos to iPhoto, autosplit to events by date, group together for trips, etc. do not rename photo files
  2. View photos in iPhoto and determine which ones need to be edited for further use; open as above for editing in ACR
  3. Edit in ACR to correct for exposure, brightness, saturation, crop for distracting background elements, etc.
  4. Click Open Image and save the file as JPEG in Photoshop
  5. If any additional enhancements are necessary in Photoshop, save as TIFF or PSD file (I haven't figured this part out yet) and do additional editing in Photoshop, then flatten and save as JPEG
As I said, this is the first time I have really tried to figure out a disciplined flow, so if anybody has any comments on this, I would appreciate it.  I did edit a handful of pictures from Christmas Day this way last night and will be working on putting them into a digital scrapbook layout today.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas is finally over...

My mother passed away this year (in June) at only 58 years old, so this was a bit of a tough Christmas for me.  I am quite relieved to have gotten through it relatively unscathed, although the 6 weeks from mid-November through yesterday were the hardest I have gone through since June.  I actually feel that it has helped me a bit in the grieving / healing process to allow myself to just feel sad at this time of year and not force myself to try to be happy.  I now feel like I can think about the future and go into 2009 with a lighter heart.

One of the things I decided to do going into 2009 to help me celebrate and enjoy my hobbies more was to create this blog.  My hope is that having this as a place to post my photos and digital creations will keep me motivated to continue pursuing these hobbies which both serve as a great creative outlet.  

I did not end up taking any photos on Christmas Eve... it was just too hard as I was hosting at my house.  But, I did snap a few on Christmas Day at my Aunt & Uncle's house.

My brother-in-law with my nephew on his lap in between the excitement of opening gifts.

My niece and nephew with my cousins kids and Santa and Santa's helper (my Aunt).

Speaking of Christmas, my hubby got me some new photography toys for Christmas.  I got the Tamron 70-300mm F/4-5.6 Di LD Macro lens and the Manfrotto 190XPROB Tripod with 322RC2 Grip Action Ball Head.  I tried out the new lens through the front window this morning and captured some squirrels and birds in the front yard.

My hubby and I have decided to take up snowshoeing and used our Christmas money from my grandparents towards our new snowshoes and poles.  I'm really excited about getting started because I think it will be a great way to be able to get more outdoor photographs in the winter.  Unfortunately, after the 2 big snow storms we had last week, we've now had a bunch of rain that has melted most of the snow so we will have to wait for some new snow to get started.